Wood for Lambton?

Sources have informed us that the Green Party will soon name serial vanity campaigner Jackson James Wood as their second Lambton Ward candidate. He last ran for public office in the Mt Albert by-election, winning a grand total of 9 votes.

A former student magazine editor, parliamentary Green Party staffer, and lover of saddlebacks, he’s currently a communications advisor at the New Zealand Drug Foundation.

He gained notoriety for his “Lundy 500” student car race that would have re-enacted the drive from Petone to Palmerston North Mark Lundy took when he brutally murdered his wife and daughter. Wood effectively became persona non grata in Palmerston North as the Mayor, local Police, and the victims’ family all condemned the race. Even Police National Headquarters were notified. The race was ultimately called off and saw Wood reflecting that it was “not the brightest idea”.

If you’re wondering what mould (pun definitely intended) of Green he might be, while at university his political science lecturer interviewed him, gauged his personality and paired him with Sue Kedgley for an internship, an apparent perfect match.

After slogging it out alone on the campaign trail in previous elections, fellow Green Iona Pannett must happy she could soon have a running-mate to share the load.

With Stephanie Cook finally retiring we could be in for quite the fight for the third Lambton Ward seat between the Greens, Labour and Independent National. Fun times ahead!

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4 responses to “Wood for Lambton?

  1. Hi WCC Watch people. Your sources are incorrect, I am not going to be running for Greens or as an independent in the local body elections this year. I look forward to serialising my vanity in other ways soon.

  2. Pingback: McKinnon to bow out | WCC Watch·

  3. Pingback: Greens lining Kedgley up for Regional Council | WCC Watch·

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