Residents Happy with Council’s Performance (Those that are still alive)

In an astonishing move, the day after news breaks that a council tenant has been dead in his council flat for up to a year, the council has put out a press release entitled… ‘Residents Happy with Council’s Performance‘.

It’s largely based on the Residents’ Satisfaction Survey of 600 Wellingtonians. By all accounts, it sounds rather positive, but it’s ultimately an exercise in self congratulation.

I can’t seem to find a copy of the actual results of the survey, it would be interesting to dig through them. If anyone has a copy, could they please send them through?

Also, regarding yesterday’s controversy, John Pagani has blogged on Councillor Cook’s response…

It is hard to imagine a worse muck up. There has to be accountability. The right way to handle this is to immediately accept  responsibility for a Council failure.
During the local body elections, Councillor Cook was rated by an expert panel as one of the Council’s worst performers.
Though accessible, she is ineffective, has a poor work ethic, is reactive and not especially responsive.
Instead of looking after elderly folk in council flats, her council is leaving them dead, while she says her priority is to get a community vegetable garden going.


4 responses to “Residents Happy with Council’s Performance (Those that are still alive)

  1. The most unbelievable thing is that the second biggest landlord in the country doesn’t carry out flat inspections on a regular basis.

    It’s complete mismanagement of a huge and important public asset.

  2. It is a wonder that no-one at the council thought how insulting it would be to put out a statement like this the day after a resident dies in council housing.
    With serious questions arising about whether the council appropriately exercises its duty of care to vulnerable residents let alone whether it manages the assets entrusted to it by its ratepayers, surely it would be wise to put aside the gloating for a day or two?

    I wasn’t one of those people who voted for the current mayor as “anyone but Kerry”. I voted for her as a proven councillor who could shake up the clubbish culture of the council.

    But apart from some nice gestures, and good positioning on issues, it doesn’t look like much has changed.

    In practise it seems the council just continues on as always.

  3. Are Wellingtonians generally happy with the farce over the closing of the fanzone and then rapid backdown?
    What about the S&P announcement that they were downgrading WCC?
    “Wellington City Council: the local currency rating has been lowered to ’AA’ from ‘AA+’. The outlook on the rating is stable.”
    No downgrade for Auckland, Hutt, Porirua.

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