A mouse calls Mayor Celia a dragon

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This is obviously a children’s proverb that leader of the Young Nats Daniel Fielding has never heard of.  His big contribution to the Hobbit debate has been to call Mayor Celia Wade-Brown Smaug the Dragon.

“Wellington Mayor Cecil Wade-Brown is being called upon to come clean on where she stands on the Hobbit film being filmed here, says Young Nats President Daniel Fielding.

Mayor Wade-Brown is a member of the Green party and has actively campaigned on behalf of Equity. She has announced to Wellington circles that she supports the Equity Union and the Council of Trade Unions who have moved to block the US$500 million film being made here,’ said Mr Fielding.

“The Mayor is acting more like Smaug the Dragon defending her treasure, than the Mayor of Wellington.”

How mature. Tory men usually see women as a birth canal or Chanel suit holder. Daniel just calls them names.  Funny for a guy named after a character in Sylvanian Families.

Daniel, Darcy, Bridget, and Helen Fielding

He’s probably too scared to talk to girls. Actually this is not as silly as it sounds.  The Young Nats have spent most of 2010 trying to kick a young girl out of their party. She, Emma Mellow, was the only one with half a brain.

“The board of the National Party will be asked to consider expelling one of its young members.

A falling-out among the Young Nats saw Emma Mellow, 20, barred – and then reinvited – to the party conference this month.

Now some Auckland members have moved to put a motion before the board asking it to throw out the former northern regional chairwoman.

Young Nats president Daniel Fielding confirmed a motion would be put before the board at its meeting next month to consider “allegations” against Ms Mellow.

There are people that have issues with her and they are discussing that with the board and I suppose expulsion could be one possibility. The only organ in the party that has the power to do that is the board. They haven’t been formally approached yet.”

Even David Farrar has joined in on this madness.  He must have forgotten that Fielding is just a little dick.

“And finally the Young Nats ask about why the Wellington Mayor is missing in action. It is incredible that the new Mayor of Wellington has not been out to the media saying how crucial it is that the Hobbit be filmed here, and demanding that any obstacles to it be removed.”

If only they followed the events rather than googling their information. Celia was at the workers rights protest advocating for workers.

This is what Smaug the Dragon would look like chairing a WCC meeting. Now Young Nats back to bed. It’s late!

4 responses to “A mouse calls Mayor Celia a dragon

  1. What a sad and spiteful post. Worse still, you still didn’t state where Celia stands when it comes to the Hobbit fiasco. We know that Greens support some workers “rights” but which ones? The 80 who want to unionise everything or the thousands who would be affected if the Hobbit goes overseas?

  2. Clint, the risible press release from the Young Nats deserved nothing but a “spiteful post”. My experiences with Young Nats (ok, back in the 80s) was that they tend to have an overinflated sense of their own importance and little else worthy of mentioning. This press release seems to suggest that little has changed.

  3. Clint, the risible press release from the Young Nats deserved nothing but a “spiteful post”. My experiences with Young Nats (ok, back in the 80s) was that they tend to have an overinflated sense of their own importance and little else worthy of mentioning. This press release seems to suggest that little has changed.

  4. Clint – by the time the Young Nats’ peculiar release reached us in the Mayor’s Office, Celia had already given interviews to local and national radio, in which she unequivocably backed production of The Hobbit in New Zealand. Then followed interviews with TV3 and the Dom Post, with the same message. On Labour Day she addressed the rally in Civic Square and yesterday even ABC in Melbourne was chasing her. There is no conflict between her support for fair employment practices and her speaking out to protect the jobs of Wellingtonians. This is the release she issued on Friday: http://www.wellington.govt.nz/news/display-item.php?id=4185 – Communications Advisor, Office of the Mayor

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