Johnny: Back from top level meetings

Sorry everyone for missing all the excitement last night and today. I have just returned. I have been in top level meetings.  Rob Goulden and V have exposed a high level local government conspiracy between Kiwiblog, the Standard, the National Party and the Labour Party.  I have been in talks today with Prime Minister John Key and Leader of the Opposition Phil Goff. The issues are serious and the moment is grave. President Obama has been in close contact with WCC Watch and assures us that the full power of the United States is with us at this difficult time.  Minister Brownlee is to issue a new gerryorder vesting the control of the media including blogs within the authority of the Fiji Government tonight. If Cllr Goulden is re-elected tomorrow the entire NZ Cabinet and the shadow Cabinet will resign. Rob Goulden and his associates have fought a crusade and it is recognised. UK Prime Minister David Cameron is ready to recommence pre 1947 control of the government. The mayor is sailing for the Falklands.


P.S. Satire.

P.S.S. If you haven’t voted, get down to the WCC office tomorrow on Wakefield Street or a local library with your papers, before lunchtime.

6 responses to “Johnny: Back from top level meetings

  1. I have fooled Rob (aka Kerry & James). He belives I’m David Farrar and Danyl Mclauchlin when in truth I have been Iona Pannett all along.

    • The only people that appeared to have been fooled is the Dom Post.

      Imagine writing a story about faked identities on a anonymous blog where everyone is anonymous.

      Hell I might get myself 12 new identities if I had known it was going to be this much fun.

      Seriously though. If i write down:

      Name: Donald Duck
      Email address:

      and use a common ip address does that mean that I am donald duck?

      Burgess obviously had nothing else to do yesterday but write about faked identities on a minor blog where the clowns that run it will not reveal themselves.

      I wonder how many faked birth certificates were used in the events of the last few days?

      You might know?

  2. Johnny

    The piece below is priceless:

    Sorry everyone for missing all the excitement last night and today. I have just returned. I have been in top level meetings. Rob Goulden and V have exposed a high level local government conspiracy between Kiwiblog, the Standard, the National Party and the Labour Party. I have been in talks today with Prime Minister John Key and Leader of the Opposition Phil Goff. The issues are serious and the moment is grave. President Obama has been in close contact with WCC Watch and assures us that the full power of the United States is with us at this difficult time. Minister Brownlee is to issue a new gerryorder vesting the control of the media including blogs within the authority of the Fiji Government tonight. If Cllr Goulden is re-elected tomorrow the entire NZ Cabinet and the shadow Cabinet will resign. Rob Goulden and his associates have fought a crusade and it is recognised. UK Prime Minister David Cameron is ready to recommence pre 1947 control of the government. The mayor is sailing for the Falklands.


    A man of your vast skills is wasted in writing under a faked identity on an anonymous blog.

    Post your email on site. I have numerous people that need a man (or is it a woman)of your vast skills.

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