Town Hall vs Capital Hill?

Whale Oil has covered a recent Cullen Law breakfast where Celia apparently got hammered by Government Minister, Chris Finlayson. The Cullen Law breakfasts happen on a monthly basis and normally feature a high profile or topical speaker with upwards of 200 guests most times.

Now while it won’t really come as a surprise that Celia is the laughing stock of a group of business types, it is sobering that the relationship between WCC and the Government has got to the point that senior ministers openly mock the mayor and her close colleagues.

It is embarrassing and frankly unacceptable for any City, let alone ours, to be a laughing stock amongst the Cabinet.

The relationship with Government has to be improved – and while the National Party has never showered itself in glory in Wellington (Remember technically the only Nat MP other than Finlayson within the WCC area is Katrina Shanks…) and could definitely do better in the region, the City has the most to gain from the relationship so must do better.


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