Lambton Poll

The Lambton Ward is already looking crowded, with a few strong incumbents, and many eager challengers. Have your say as to who you would vote for. Please vote on our Friday poll, it will stay open for roughly a week.

Polldaddy is rather handy, but sadly it doesn’t do STV so well. So instead of ranking the candidates and redistributing preferences, it’s a simple three vote FPP poll. I’m sure there will be some electoral math nerds who will happily rant about the implications of that.

17 responses to “Lambton Poll

  1. Doesn’t that Cunningham chap live in the Eastern Ward. Why run for a place where you don’t actually live. A bit 19th century.

  2. Either way I’m sad he’s not in mine. I just hope he gets in to the Council. His background would stack up as the best candidate for either ward

  3. Given his strong links to the liquor industry, he would certainly stack up as the best candidate from Dominion Brewery’s perspective, Steve.

  4. LOL So clearly Cunningham is the number 1 contender given the efforts to discredit him here. Given the desire of the commenters to ban the capitalist evil alcohol too, I’d be willing to bet it’s Pannett’s let’s-ban-everything-Green cronies behind it.

    Funny, I would have thought Pannett was safe this time, but the Greens are obviously worried.

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  6. Andrew, I don’t think they are saying ban alcohol, just keep some days special. 362 days for availability together with all the exceptions on those other days is not a bad thing. I think there are issues with having a single issue person elected to council like someone focused on drinking laws. Having a wealth creating capitalist on the council would be a great thing. Pub man may not be that person.

  7. Yeah maybe, I just find it disappointing when the left gets on its puritanical drives to ban stuff. I dont know a hell of a lot about Cunningham, but his website doesnt make him look single issue, but maybe he is – and all the same I would be willing to bet he is showing through strong in the Greens polling

  8. Do you even know what this guy does, have you even read his website? Sure he lives in the Eastern Ward but his businesses are in Lambton. I bet he pays more rates in Lambton than in the Eastern Ward. Also he’s not a “pub” man, check out his website, he owns cafes and accommodation (hospitality covers more than just bars!), and sponsors the Saints, the Ballet and the Festival – all things which are good for Wellington, Discredit away, but get your facts straight.

  9. Pub man and HANZ are progressive thinkers. They want a total alcohol ban for the whole city (no more wine with your picnic in the Botanic Gardens), minimum alcohol prices for supermarkets (no more choice), all corner shops stopped from selling alcohol (no more nipping down to my local shop in Roseneath for a bottle). So much for free enterperise and the free society. I like choice and going to my local shop in Mt Vic for a bottle of wine. I don’t like being told where to drink and what to drink and some politburo setting the prive. Running a city is more than pubs (and hotels/cafes). What’s pub man’s policies on the film industry, commercial rates, economic development, energy, manufacturing, science and innovation, finance, heritage, social housing, the list goes on. PS I am sure pub man is on the ratepayer role for Lambton. Are you saying that people who pay more in rates should have more say than others. So much for democracy too.

  10. Isn’t Cunningham a lobbyist for HANZ in Wellington, which respresents ‘all’ the pubs in the central city?

  11. I just googled Adam Cunningham on the stuff website. Seems he announced his campaign early (March 2010), in the run up to the Law Commission report on alcohol laws, and all the stories on him and his statements are about alcohol; pubs opening at Easter, banning alcohol possession across Wellington or new hospitality ventures etc. There are no media reports of him talking about anything else. Must like a drink.

  12. Wow, you guys. I haven’t seen any stuff on any other candidates either. Well one’s who aren’t incumbent anyway. Guess the paper thinks the only candidates worth supporting are the one’s who are already in. I mean, when did you last hear anything about Helen Ritchie – oh, three years ago, but come election time she gets a fluff piece in the paper. How can we get any of the candidates issues when we can’t even get serious news in the newspaper. How come there isn’t print space for one of the most burning things that’s happening in town.

  13. Pingback: Fisking the Candidates: Lambton Ward – Fowlers Folley « WCC Watch·

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