Whaleoil’s picks for 2010

Despite the local body elections of 2010 presenting many interesting results, their participants have been almost totally absent from the various ‘best of 2010’ lists being published at the moment.

One of the few mentions I’ve seen have been on Whaleoil, of all places. His two pics for the year are Celia Wade-Brown, and Len Brown’s campaign manager – Conor Roberts.

On Celia, he says…

Celia Wade-Brown — won the unwinnable elec­tion beat­ing the very pop­u­lar Kerry Pren­de­gast who chose not to cam­paign. Under­stood the elec­toral sys­tem and took a major city for the Greens. Unlike other gree­nies and annoy­ing pub­lic trans­port advo­cates she is “other peo­ple” and she does ride her bike every­where. In the next year the right need a good can­di­date to take her on and they need to start high­light­ing some of her looney poli­cies. Obvi­ously there will be plenty as she is a Green and actu­ally bat-sh*t mad…I mean she must be to ride a bike in Welling­ton in winter.

I think Celia’s victory was well deserved, but also entirely predictable. Since taking office she’s tried to shake things up a bit. Initial signs aren’t looking too promising, but the jury is out. Totally agree that her victory should be on the best of 2010 list. I alos have no doubt that the right will be looking for a strong contender to take her on (and her wafer thin majority must look appealing!)

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