Green MPs jump on the bandwagon, late

It’s amazing how people love success.  The Green MPs didn’t put a single press release out in support of Celia in the run up to the local government elections (slackers), but as soon as she is elected they are all buzzing around like flies on a compost heap.

Here are the post election press releases:

Sue Kedgley press release, 11 Oct.

Russel Norman press release, 9 Oct (a whole 60 words including names)

Here are the pre-election press releases:

In the weeks before the election Green MPs main interests were trips to Rome, capitalism (evils), cows, education, GST and freedom for Vanunu (wherever that may be?).

Next time a little public support beforehand might be in order.

8 responses to “Green MPs jump on the bandwagon, late

  1. Why would the Greens put out press releases for Celia when Celia ran as an independent (and said so immediately after the election as well)?

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